A greenhouse Odyssey: Introduction

When I decided to open a houseplant business in 1975, I knew nothing about either. I thought houseplants were really cool and business most likely mundane. That was the extent of it. How could I begin to fathom the responsibilities of ownership, the commitment required, the vital skills to be learned and the values critical to success? I was always flying by the seat of my pants.

Growing a business is very much like raising a child. It is of you but it is not you. All the people who touch it have a hand in shaping it. Customers, vendors, employees, friends, neighbors and family alike contribute to its character and personality. Everyone affects its course. Today, Cactus and Tropicals continues to grow and evolve; a parent couldn’t be prouder.

Plenty of hard work went into getting Cactus and Tropicals off the ground, but it was the generosity of others that gave lift to its wings. In the beginning, when cash was unobtainable through the system, people took a chance on me, co-signing a bank loan or giving me a loan themselves. Mentors, mostly customers, shared unlimited time with advice and know-how, helping me expand my ideas or teaching me things I needed to know. Friends became customers and customers became friends.

The people who touch and shape Cactus & Tropicals today are equally committed. Twenty people who worked for me still work there, including Kathy Harbin, the manager. The new owners, Karin and Scott Pynes, have added their own skills and talents, taking Cactus & Tropicals to new heights. They have opened two more locations and continue to grow all measures of the business beyond my wildest dreams.

On July 5th, 2025, Cactus & Tropicals will celebrate its 50th anniversary. I’m excited to see what the next 50 will bring.

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