Bright & Tropical Bridesmaid Bouquet
Luscious blooms in cheery coral and melon hues, accented with rich green foliage, hand-tied with gorgeous ribbon in a petite size for Bridesmaids. Also makes a lovely gift to an honored guest.
Luscious blooms in cheery coral and melon hues, accented with rich green foliage, hand-tied with gorgeous ribbon in a petite size for Bridesmaids. Also makes a lovely gift to an honored guest.
Luscious blooms in cheery coral and melon hues, accented with rich green foliage, hand-tied with gorgeous ribbon in a petite size for Bridesmaids. Also makes a lovely gift to an honored guest.
All Bouquets come with stems wrapped in a matching ribbon and a vase for transport.
Please note that the picture is an example only. Flowers are one-of-a-kind and not always available year round. Our floral designers will choose beautiful, healthy blooms in the colors and style shown for your unique arrangement.